How Alkaline Water will Extend Life and Reduce the Onset of Adult Degenerative Disease

We get old and sick due to excess acid in our body. So, it follows if we reduce the acid and increase the alkaline levels we would be healthier and live longer. However, some doctors say that the stomach acid kills the alkalinity so; drinking alkaline water will do no good. Well what about that?

What happens in the stomach when we drink high pH alkaline water? The stomach maintains the pH level at right around 4.0. The more alkaline water we drink the higher the stomach pH goes, sometimes it will rise above 4.5. When this happens the stomach will produce more hydrochloric acid to bring the stomach pH back down to below 4.0.

Hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate is made from water, sodium chloride (table salt) and carbon dioxide. The sodium bicarbonate goes into the bloodstream and the hydrochloric acid goes into the stomach.

The alkaline buffer in our blood is sodium bicarbonate, and it is the alkaline and acid buffers that are constantly monitoring the blood pH to maintain a constant blood pH of 7.365. When the blood becomes too alkaline, the acid buffer goes to work to bring the pH down; and when there is too much alkaline, then the alkaline buffer (sodium bicarbonate) goes to work to raise the pH level.

From Sang Whang, inventor of Alkalife:

?Alkaline buffers are bicarbonate (HCO3-) mated with alkaline minerals. Examples of them are sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), calcium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2) and magnesium bicarbonate (Mg(HCO3)2). Acid buffer is mainly carbonic acid (H2CO3), a water and carbon dioxide combination. Carbohydrate completely burnt becomes carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O); therefore there is no shortage of acid buffer.?

It was Lynda Frassetto, University of California, San Francisco, who discovered in 1966 that we lose the alkaline buffer ? bicarbonates in our blood as we age. The process seems to begin at age 45 and by 90 we have lost 18% of the bicarbonates in our blood.

When the bicarbonates in our blood are reduced it impairs the body?s ability to neutralize and dump the acid our body produces. It is also at the age of around 45 that symptoms of diabetes, or osteoporosis and other diseases related to the aging process occur. When these acidic wastes are not released from the body and begin to build up, theses wastes take the form of fatty acid, sulfate, phosphate, uric acid, cholesterol, kidney stones, etc.

It is only the water?s pH value that helps the blood receive bicarbonates. It is the most important function of alkaline water since we lose these bicarbonates as we age. When we alkalize our body we increase the ability of our blood to neutralize the acid.

Our world has changed from an organic, agricultural base to one that is industrial and toxic. And because of the greed of our industries a lot of these toxins have found their way into our air, water, food, and alas our bodies. The more pollution, the more stress the more acid. High protein diets and soft drinks also add to the acidity and this is why we lose bicarbonates in the blood as we age.

This is taken from Sang Wang, ?The medical society considers the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood as an inevitable fact of aging. I argue that the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood is the cause of aging and diseases, not the result of aging. As long as we can replenish bicarbonates in the blood, we don?t have to age!?

Now Enter Alkaline Water

To Drink or Not to Drink

Only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid do bicarbonates enter the bloodstream. So it is best to drink the alkaline water on an empty stomach with the water having a pH level of 9.5 -10. The reason for this is the alkaline will raise the stomach pH relatively high and that will cause the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid, allowing for more bicarbonates to enter the blood. (I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere I go and my bottle of Alkalife and just drink it all day long.) You can get the Alkalife from Click on books and products and then click on the University book store and then the link on the left ?Alkalife?

So, now you know how alkaline water will prevent the onset of adult degenerative diseases and aging in general.

Michele Michaels has been active in raising awareness for alternative and natural methods of curing and treating all manner of illnesses.